Columbus Soliciting Prostitution Lawyer
Columbus Sex Crimes Lawyer
The Nature of Columbus Soliciting Prostitution Charges
Being accused of soliciting prostitution is a serious criminal charge that can potentially have severe consequences and penalties. These charges are dealt with by the state with great attention and detail. If you are being faced with these charges or feel that you are in a situation that deems a potential of soliciting prostitution charges please do not hesitate to find legal advice, representation, and support.
Hire an Experienced Columbus Soliciting Prostitution Lawyer
Fortunately, the Law Offices of Eric J. Hoffman have extensive experience with prostitution charges in the state of Ohio and are regarded by peers and clients as distinguished specialist in the field. Mr. Hoffman has 34 years of experience defending clients with prostitution related charges and is well versed in a multitude of defenses including:
Insufficient evidence
Lack of intent
No exchange of compensation
Lack of agreement