Ohio Divorce Stock Transfers: Navigating Ohio's Equitable Distribution Laws and Tax Implications
In Ohio, where equitable distribution laws govern property division, understanding the nuances of stock transfers and their tax...

Am I entitled to my ex-spouse's social security benefits in an Ohio divorce?
You may claim social security benefits based on your ex-spouse's work record if the following criteria are met: You were married to each...

Do's and Don'ts for a Client Preparing for a Divorce Deposition
Dos: Prepare thoroughly:Â Review all relevant documents, including financial records, communication exchanges, and any other pertinent...

Who Gets What? Unpacking Ohio Divorce: What Happens to a Business Owned Before Marriage?
In Ohio, the interest a spouse has in a business formed before marriage in divorce cases can vary depending on several factors. Ohio is...

Are you claiming that your home was a gift in a Columbus divorce case?
In Ohio, when determining whether property acquired during marriage is considered separate or marital property, courts often consider...

What are survivor percentages in the division of property orders (DOPOs)?
In the context of a DOPO (Division of Property Order), survivor percentages typically don't involve a direct payment or cost. Instead,...

Placing Funds in Escrow During Columbus Divorce Cases - Columbus Divorce Lawyers
Placing Funds in Escrow During Columbus Divorce Cases

Inter Vivos Gifts in Divorce in Ohio
Divorce proceedings can be complex and emotionally charged, often involving the division of assets acquired during the marriage. One...

Navigating Child Support Deviation in Ohio: The Impact of Remarriage and Shared Living Expenses
Child support is a critical aspect of ensuring the well-being of children after a divorce or separation. In Ohio, as in many other...

Navigating Social Security Benefits in an Ohio Divorce Case
Understanding Social Security Benefits: Social Security benefits play a crucial role in retirement planning, providing financial security...