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Columbus Child Pornography Defense Lawyer

Columbus Sex Crimes Defense Lawyer

sex crimes lawyer columbus

Mr. Hoffman has successfully defended some of the most serious child pornography cases in Columbus and around the greater State of Ohio. Mr. Hoffman has dealt with child pornography cases involving possession, manufacturing, and distribution. He has distinguished himself as a leading advocate for lowering the sentencing and penalties of individuals charged with these crimes.  


Mr. Hoffman has been a sex crimes defense attorney in Columbus since 1984 and has defended literally thousands of clients to their satisfaction. He is known around Columbus and the surrounding counties as an aggressive and experienced sex crimes defense lawyer committed to serving his clients fully from the point they meet until the final result. Being charged for child pornography in the Columbus criminal courts is a very scary and extremely serious situation. Our offices are equipped with defenses and resources that will provide you with the best child pornography defense in Columbus. 


The Nature of Columbus Child Pornography Charges

Being accused of possessing child pornography is a serious criminal charge that can potentially destroy ones reputation, family, and career. These charges are dealt with by the state with great attention and detail. If you are being faced with these charges or feel that you are in a situation that deems a potential of child pornography charges please do not hesitate to find legal advice, representation, and support.  


Fortunately, the Law Offices of Eric J. Hoffman have extensive experience with child pornography in the state of Ohio and are regarded by peers and clients as distinguished specialist in the field. Mr. Hoffman most notably has been involved in many high profile child pornography cases in Columbus and the surrounding counties and has received multiple not guilty verdicts.  Browse below to see the other areas of Sex Crimes Defense that we practice.


34 Years of Columbus Child Pornography Defense Experience! 



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